Photography is something you get immersed in! You lose yourself in shooting, and all your worries and daily stresses just melt away. 🙄
Photography changes the way you see things. It’s actually quite an incredible transformation to experience. Suddenly you notice light, shapes, colors, textures, people, buildings, trees, flowers…Everything around you looks different when you start to see the world as a photographer. You don’t ever have to do it professionally 😉
Playing Violin
I Love my Violin <3 Me and my Violin are best buddies! 😆
when I need motivating, I listen to my favorite violin musics and watch some of the greatest violinists (lately the Bruch violin concerto is one I listen to a lot for motivation.) The amazing feeling I get from hearing the violin makes me want to pick it up and play it! I can play in orchestras which makes it all worthwhile.
I love the violin because of its sound mainly, then after that, because of the ‘physical feel’ in playing it, I can feel the vibrato and vibrations through my fingers and neck, and really be a physical part of the music with him. I feel I can easily ‘pass on my emotions’ onto it whilst I play, probably because ‘I connect with it’.